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I Got In A Fight With My AdWords Rep & Google Dropped My Organic Rankings

I Got In A Fight With My AdWords Rep & Google Dropped My Organic Rankings

Here is a fun story at the Google Webmaster Help of a webmaster who said his rankings dropped the day after he got in a fight with his AdWords representative.
As you may know, Google has said time and time again, AdWords and organic search have no influence on each other. There is a church and state separation between the two.
Here is what this webmaster had to say:
My site used to rank #1 for an entire year when searched in San Diego.
About two (2) months ago, I had a conversation with Google Adwords. The gentleman I was speaking with became disagreeable and belligerent with me. When I asked to speak with his supervisor, he refused. When I pressed the issue, he eventually handed the phone to someone else who hung up on me. The NEXT day, my Google rank dropped 7 places. Since then, Google has stopped indexing articles on my site.
Of course when someone posts something like that in the Google forums, the top contributors go at it and have fun.
They started picking apart the linking schemes and stolen content on the site.
The webmaster deleted his posts but once it is out on the web, it is there forever.
Here is a Matt Cutts video on AdWords and organic search:
John Mueller from Google did respond to the thread saying:
I just wanted to confirm that we have a very strict separation of our search and ads teams, and that nobody on the ads side would be able to adjust your site's ranking. If you are seeing changes in how your site appears in search, those changes would not be related to any contact you might have had with the ads team.
For what it's worth, off the bat I don't see anything specific that is being picked up as bad for your website, but there are almost always things that could be improved. Is there something specific that you'd be interested in?

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